James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

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Makta Pond <every----------ugot@gmail.com>Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 7:24 PM
To: AwesomeKramobonePlayroom-GuestInvite@gruwup.net [ Send An Email 2 Request Guest Invite ]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Makta Pond <every----------ugot@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 12:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: @Gruwup Community PeaceBuilding -- Shortcut Pages
To: "Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom - Actual 39.732185W 104.979085N" <Awesome_Kramobone_Glows_And_Blows-DenverColorado@gruwup.net>


[DIR] Computing-and-Moral-Responsibility 04-Jun-2016 13:28    -   
[DIR] Prejudice/              04-Jun-2016 13:20    -   
[DIR] Quality-Over-Quanity/   04-Jun-2016 13:34    -    
[DIR] Words-To-Live-By/       04-Jun-2016 13:39    -


Inline image 1

Crazy World Future Words - Do we want to change our Thoughts of Mind Presence to Conscience Effort
20 days ago

What will your future self tell you about what you hear in this of today called Crazy World Future Words that you did not take heed its presence of truth for your mindful considerations. Then what it might tell you of your presence of mind now, you ought of have listened and listened you did -- or did not.

Go out to the world order now on whatever path you are on.

Know that the time is now to consider yourself in from the many of a good great soul of the greatness kind. You are that would be the impression upon the words of all mankind.

For untold returns of yourself on the highest plane, admiration on a scale of scales yet not measurable to any form of heights imaginable that can even vision. But will be the heights of platitudes and gratitude reached and received from everyone from everywhere from every time.

Shown down onto ourselves the ones then future living shown your of the heart mind and soul of the greatest kind that deserved to be run run run to carry on on on and never end. This even after you have taken your final breath and died in your human body by disease, you will be living in a different thing, perhaps mechanical or perhaps another biological body, but you will be in there so mighty and mighty you will be.

For the science that we may and can perhaps future take your brain and transfer your entire self of self memories and self emotions and self desires of course you have a soul of creation not even yet imaginable to the level high mighty real.

Your thoughts of conscience may actually be your soul that will continue to be in the know\. To be the one everyone looks to inspire the reason to continue to live on. Who then you can be making miracles every day so easy, the miracles that we used to consider only possibly done by the Good God Almighty -- those miracles we know of the highest moral plane.

Only because your mind is born now, it is now the truth that we are in the moment where this mind may be the mind that launches the first source creative life of lifetimes immortal.

This is weird science but science foundation it is on.,

This is an introduction to maybe how one might make some directions now, to be in the noosphere and be in the way way upward crowd.

However ---

if you don't see your need to change, you may slip down and fall from grace real quick, that is the true science working against you -- the Quickening has awaken your flicker of spark that may ignite great bursts across the universe or fissile out to nothingness because you just did not care to listen.

It is now you either go into this truth of knowing and knowing it;'s knowledge tells you to be a Gruw Up way past grown up or else you will fall down so hard you will never know what happened, so quick you will never be able to get up, and never to wake back up, your nothingness of ill worked character to never never never land to be able to disturb us of humanity ever so ever again.

You are gone to dust and no one ever cared to give you credit for what you have thought you had of successful takings but they were just a temporary fake mess underling.

That is the possible alter perspective of ultimate sacrifice for your days of believing yourself worthy when worthy you are not.

Your gone and good Bye --- Good luck.


Awesome Kramobone Playroom
[ An Adult Concepts Share Space - For Developing Consensual Thoughts and Practices for Community Sharing and Building Relationship(s) Trusts Bonding ]l


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Quality Over Quantity -- No Hidden Agendas





Shared publicly  -  Aug 26, 2015
The Community as a Whole Must Seek To Understand Each Other

Spoken Voice Mp3 Audio [part 1]:

Spoken Voice Mp3 Audio [part 2]:

Mmere Dane : Time Changes : Change, Life's Dynamics

Bangle: MMERE DANE Adrinkra Symbol For Change by LaBlueRouge

It is hard to know when people are really ignorant or just playing stupid.

I am not trying to offend anyone here, just know that at the time of this technology news article, I read about this subject.  It may not have been this exact article, but it was about the technology it holds into its view.

This is from the year of April 2003.  This is when I knew that there will be a time that comes that cash, and other items of items of  high value, such as gold, diamonds, jewelry, or other things like high value electronics will have  what is now RFID or other kinds of invisible tracking circuitry on them that will be undetectable to the unknown persons eye view or even perhaps even to hand held or lesser powerful electronic detection  When more and more items are tagged with this technology, this will become a more wider spread knowledge.  But it will be more a unknown risk for those who are interceding to conduct an unjust or illegal act attached to the item.

So many different options of how to create and manage a communication channel with these tiny circuits, the world is going to change drastically when the cost of this technology lowers into marketability.

RFID uses particular sets of harmless to life radioactive elements. Other circuits can be molded to transmit and/or receive on different radio spectrum bandwidths, or even at the frequency of light.  A surface of a item can become illuminated to an alert. 

Perhaps a milk carton that contains milk that has spoiled.  The application of the market for this would be for those persons who cannot taste or smell.  This condition is real [ https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tasteandsmelldisorders.html ] -- this would be a very small market of course.  But there is a need for such, obviously.  Here is that device using 3d-printing technology [ http://www.gizmag.com/uc-berkley-3d-printed-smart-milk-cap/38559/ ] from June 2015 and another article in July 2015 [ http://www.digitaltrends.com/home/3d-printed-cap-detects-spoiled-milk/ ] has this related quote in it:

"MIT researchers published their findings on an RFID tag that would detect spoiled food last year, and an Indiegogo campaign was launched for a Foodsniffer device that could also tell when meat was going bad."

More broadly though, these perhaps attached to something that crosses into a certain country boarder can become inactivated and unusable. The global resale of stolen mobile phones for instance would be the purpose of such device.

There are so many different objects and things that will be created.
These are all based upon these micro circuity technologies.

The time is now is March 2015, that the method of placing this kind of tiny circuity onto cash is being offered.  If people do not realize what that means. 

It means crime is not going to pay very well when the cash flow is being tracked and there is no way to #1 visually see it, #2, detect it, and then #3, defeat it. 

Read this, for it is a true technology being marketed as of March 2015:

This is now reality and the time when the term "Crime does not pay" actually is perhaps too risky to deal in.

One will never know when they are targeted. The likely targets at first will be those sources of crime that cause the most harmful effects to either individuals and/or the society at large.  Within the United States criminal activities that are of a National Security issue will also be a priority of focus at first.

 I think Human Sex Trafficking is probably one of the worst for it deals in both harms and international sources with National Security issues, 

The market of sex slavery is pretty high mark of harms. It is the one focused in the CBS 60 Minutes News Spot on Memex, The Deep Dark Web Search Engine.


The two technologies of both cash [ or other high value item likely subject to theft and resale ] tracking and internet search engine matching thus begins this era.  These are the subjects of watching, Tracking, to then finally arrest and prosecutions.  The technology being used is the evidence they need to successful conviction and there are no needs to have large staffs of law enforcement dedicated to investigation and detective work. The technologies become more an automated train wreck for criminals who are working bad things in our society. I hope they see a light and find a new field career path that causes no harm, or better yet, change their field craft they are using into a legal and harmless one.

Either way, that must be the answer for one side of society [ The Good ] to be using against [ The Bad ] for they will be forced to choose a different line of cash income work.  Whatever people think, this is the truth. 

The Quickening of Good People over Bad People has begun.  It is the sciences and technology and not GOD and the RECKONING that is at hand here in this time of our human era.   If you are in a career path, that crime may not longer pay, I suggest you have found this post well to find a good open heart and change your life to way that harms are less [ HARM REDUCTION THEORY ] in all things that humans are, we can can be better NON-VIOLENT peaceful ways if we really apply good true mind craft onto our desires and needs everywhere.

Such as the actions of the black market in illicit drugs, this is the option of true smarter and wiser choice.

Google Seach:

The human brain has truly a desire and perhaps actually a human need in of itself to at occasion of non-abuse levels experience altered states.  This has been true for many many centuries as a normal part of the human experience up until modern day life. This is also been historically proven a truth. 


This article is balanced to provide both sides of the debate but concludes as Quote: "Many parapsychologists firmly believe that continued research into altered states of consciousness may well reveal that humankind's most important discoveries, its highest peaks of ecstasy, and its greatest moments of inspiration occur in reverie, in dreams, and in states of consciousness presently ignored by the professional world and the general public."

Almost all ancient societies have had substances to cause altered states up and through into just about the turning of the 20th century.  

The 1950s is perhaps the worst decade of change of both propaganda produced by the government of the United States of America against the society and of laws and attitudes in this area.  Before that, we attempted and failed at Prohibition. Restriction is not the answer.  For even if you call one chemical compound legal and others illegal, actually it is not the chemical that is harmful but the way it is placed into the market or street [ if you call it that ] with INFORMED KNOWLEDGE of HARM REDUCTION use or as UNINFORMED KNOWLEDGE subjects to ABUSE.  This also has been pretty much proven as truth. 

Psychology Today : Normalizing Drug Use



Ohene : King : Wisdom

Sesa Woruban : Ghange your Life : Transformation, A New Beginning

About Adinkra Symbolism [  https://www.documentsanddesigns.com/reception_accessories/Cultural/African/Resourse_Adinkra_Symbols.htm ]


Bangle: MMERE DANE Adrinkra Symbol For Change by LaBlueRouge

September 26, 2015, 2:15 pm
Bangle: MMERE DANE Adrinkra Symbol For Change by LaBlueRouge

Bangle: MMERE DANE Adrinkra Symbol For Change by LaBlueRouge

$ 35


  • Handmade item
  • Materials: hand painted, wood, bangle, acrylic paint, joy, peace, love, desire for change
  • Made to order
  • Only ships to United States from Florida, United States.
  • Feedback: 1 reviews

>>> Buy It Now ! <<<